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              • 技術(shù)文章ARTICLE

                您當(dāng)前的位置:首頁 > 技術(shù)文章 > 西南大學(xué)高效率轉(zhuǎn)染HCT116,SW480,HT29人結(jié)直腸癌細(xì)胞案例


                發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2021-11-11  點(diǎn)擊次數(shù): 1807次


                使用zeta lifeAdvanced DNA RNA轉(zhuǎn)染試劑

                高效率轉(zhuǎn)染HCT-116, SW480, HT-29人結(jié)直腸癌細(xì)胞



                AHCT-116, SW480, HT-29人結(jié)直腸癌細(xì)胞




                6孔每孔使用10 ug質(zhì)粒DNA



                Overexpression of AURKA Plasmid for AURKA overexpression was obtained from VectorBuilder. Details about plasmid containing the AURKA gene can be found at vectorbuilder/vector/VB190802-1063ncc. html. colon cancer cells (HCT-116, SW480, HT-29) were seeded at 50% confluency for 24 h in six-well and 96-well plates. Plasmid (10 ug per-well for six-well and 0.5 μg per-well for 96 plates) and the Advanced DNA RNA transfectionzeta life,USA) reagent were mixed in equal proportionsand added to the cell culture medium for 6 h. DOX (1 μg/ml) was added to induce the expression of AURKA. After addition of DOX and PAL for 36 h, cell viability was measured by MTT and apoptosis was detected by


                PAL exerts anti-colon cancer effects by targeting AURKA. (A) PAL promotes apoptosis in colon cancer cells (HCT-116, SW480) in a dose-dependent manner. (B) PAL promotes G2/M phase arrest in colon cancer cells (HCT-116, SW480) in a dose-dependent manner. (C) The expression of AURKA after DOX treatment for 24 h. (D) Cell density after PAL treatment for 24 h in the cells (HCT-116, SW480) transfected with AURKA overexpression plasmids. DOX is an inducer of AURKA expression in plasmids. (E) Effect of PAL detected by MTT assay on the proliferation ability of colon cancer cells transfected with AURKA overexpression plasmids. (F) Effects of PAL detected by.

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